Rosie and Reef

Rosie and Reef
Know what Dog's Love

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dogs LOVE to go out with you

Pet Health
Not just on dog walks either. They like to be part of your daily life, and go places you can let them accompany you to. To really have this happen there is work to do with your dogs.

They need to be polite (requires training) so people don't mind them being around. They also need socialization, starting when they are puppies. Socialization requires exposure to people and other animals so they know how to behave in every situation.

Dog training and working with your puppy all the way through adulthood will build a lasting bond between you and a happy pup that gets to participate in your life. The SECRETS TO DOG TRAINING  is one of the leading training techniques that you can do yourself.

It is really never too late to start working with your dogs, it will give them new things to learn and help them stay alert, happy, and connected to YOU!